Welcome to CompassTestOnline.com. We have free exercises and practice test materials for the Compass Test, which you can study online.


NOTE: The Compass Test was phased out by ACT at the end of 2016. Your college may now be using the Accuplacer or ACT Math tests instead.

We have practice test materials in all three academic skills assessed on the Compass: reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics.

Our Compass Math Test page has information and advice on the pre-algebra, algebra, advanced algebra, geometry, and trigonometry sections of the Compass Test.

If you would like information about the content and format of the Compass Test in reading, please click on the Compass Reading Test link in our main menu.

The Compass Writing Test page describes which grammatical forms and stylistic elements are assessed on the Compass exam in writing.

Academic Success Media publishes Compass Test Online.

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Are you a student who speaks English as your second language? Then click on the Compass ESL link at the left hand side of the screen.

If you would like FREE practice test materials, then navigate to the Compass Practice Test page for practice test materials in Compass Reading, Compass Writing, and Compass Math.

Are you looking for Compass test help online? Do you want materials that you can download or prepare online? If so, you are not alone.

Many students will need extra help and practice as they study for the Compass assessment.

For information on our instantly downloadable study guide that you can purchase online, please go to the Study Guide Download page.

If you would like information on our other Compass downloads, please visit our partner website Compass Test Practice.

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